Prof. Paolo De Simone – Oncology Therapy – Most Liked Article Award

Prof. Paolo De Simone - Oncology Therapy - Most Liked Article Award


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Paolo De Simone graduated summa cum laude in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Rome La Sapienza. His thesis was titled "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of gallstone lithiasis: prospective analysis of the results of our experience" under the supervision of Prof. Raffaello Cortesini.He earned his Specialist Diploma in General Surgery summa cum laude from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His thesis focused on "The role of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of benign and malignant gastric pathologies" under the guidance of Prof. Raffaello Cortesini.Paolo De Simone achieved his PhD summa cum laude in Surgical Pathophysiology.


Registered in the Order of Doctors-Surgeons and Dentists of the Province of Rome with registration number 46702. He also qualified to practice the medical-surgical profession at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He served as a Foreign Resident-Assistant at the General Surgery Service of CHU André Vésale, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Montigny-Le-Tilleul, Belgium, and at the Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Service of the Hospital Avicenne, Bobigny, France. Paolo De Simone held several medical director positions:General Surgery Unit, Civil Hospital of Vittorio Veneto (TV),Organ Transplant Unit, San Salvatore Civil Hospital, L'Aquila,Service de Chirurgie Digestive, Hopital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,University Liver Transplantology Unit, Pisa University Hospital.Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pisa. He was elected Director of the School of Specialization in Surgery of the Digestive System and serves as Director of the Liver Surgery and Liver Transplant Unit, AOUP.


Appointed as the Coordinator of the regional liver transplant program by DGRT of 17 December 2018, n. 1450. He also managed clinical, scientific, and educational coordination of terminal liver failure and liver transplantation (DG AOUP Resolution 852 of 09/20/2023).His research has covered areas like laparoscopic cholecystectomy, treatment of benign and malignant gastric pathologies, and liver transplantology.


As Coordinator of the Liver Transplant Program of the Tuscany Region, he has significantly contributed to the advancement of liver transplantation in the region.


Paolo De Simone's legacy lies in his extensive contributions to the fields of general surgery, liver surgery, and liver transplantology. His future contributions are anticipated in enhancing liver transplant programs, furthering research in surgical pathophysiology, and mentoring the next generation of surgeons through his academic roles.


Everolimus Mitigates the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence after Liver Transplantation.

First-in-human liver transplantation from a centenarian deceased donor after brain death.

Aging with a Liver Graft: Analysis of Very Long-Term Survivors after Liver Transplantation.

An Unexpected Case of Opisthorchis felineus Infection Revealed during Liver Transplantation.

An overview of the efficacy and safety of everolimus in adult solid organ transplant recipients.


Aya H. Soliman – Tumor Immunology – Best Researcher Award

Ms.Aya H. Soliman - Tumor Immunology - Best Researcher Award

German University in Cairo - Egypt





Aya H. Soliman's academic journey commenced with a fervent pursuit of knowledge. Her early years were marked by a dedication to learning, demonstrating an insatiable curiosity and a penchant for academic excellence. Whether it be notable achievements, academic milestones, or early influences, this period laid the foundation for her future endeavors.


Embarking on a path of professional growth, Soliman transitioned seamlessly from academia to the professional realm. Her career trajectory reflects a commitment to applying theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. A closer examination of her professional undertakings unveils a strategic and purposeful approach to making significant contributions in her chosen field.


Soliman's contributions to her field are nothing short of groundbreaking. Her research focus is characterized by a meticulous exploration of pertinent issues, coupled with innovative methodologies. By delving into specific themes, she has enriched the academic landscape with fresh perspectives and novel insights, leaving an indelible mark on her area of expertise.


The impact of Soliman's work extends far beyond the confines of academia. Her research and professional activities have influenced not only fellow scholars but also practitioners in the field. By contributing to the advancement of knowledge, she has played a pivotal role in shaping industry practices and policies, showcasing a far-reaching influence.


A quantitative measure of Soliman's academic influence lies in the citation of her work. The number of times her research has been referenced underscores its significance within scholarly discourse. Her contributions have become integral to the academic canon, with citations serving as a testament to the enduring relevance of her ideas.


Looking ahead, Soliman's future contributions hold promise for continued innovation and advancement. Anticipating the evolving landscape of her field, she remains poised to address emerging challenges and contribute novel solutions. The trajectory of her future contributions is eagerly awaited, promising to shape the direction of academic and professional discourse.

Notable Publications

Phytochemical-derived tumor-associated macrophage remodeling strategy using Phoenix dactylifera L. boosted photodynamic therapy in melanoma via H19/iNOS/PD-L1 axis. 2023



Leadership in Advancing Women’s Health in Oncology Award

Introduction: Embark on a journey of empowerment and innovation with the Leadership in Advancing Women’s Health in Oncology Award. This distinguished accolade honors trailblazing individuals committed to driving progress and excellence in the realm of women's health within the field of oncology.

Award Eligibility: This award is open to exceptional leaders, researchers, and advocates globally, without age restrictions. Candidates should hold a significant role in women’s health in oncology, showcasing a profound commitment to advancing research, education, and awareness.

Evaluation Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on their leadership impact, demonstrated advancements in women’s health in oncology, and a track record of publications reflecting their commitment to the cause. Recognition within the scientific community and beyond will also be considered.

Submission Guidelines: Applicants are required to submit a comprehensive biography, an abstract of their work, and supporting files that illuminate their leadership and contributions to women’s health in oncology. Submissions should adhere to specified format guidelines outlined in the submission instructions.

Recognition and Community Impact: This award not only celebrates individual leadership but also recognizes the broader impact of the recipient's work on the community and society. Awardees will be acknowledged in prominent events and publications, amplifying the influence of their contributions.