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Ms. Julia Siegle | Phytochemical analysis | Best Researcher Award

Technical University Dresden |  Germany

Author Profile

Orcid Id

Julia Siegle: Biochemist and Research Enthusiast 🔬

Personal Information
📍 Address: Deubener Straße 35, 01159 Dresden
📞 Phone: 0176 45661519
✉️ Email: siegle.julia@gmx.de
🎂 Date and Place of Birth: 13.04.1999, Dresden


🎓 Master’s Degree in Biochemistry
Technical University of Dresden (10/2021 – 11/2023)
Focus: Technical Biochemistry, Chemistry of Biological Systems
Final Grade: 1.4

🎓 Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
University of Applied Sciences Dresden (10/2017 – 04/2021)
Focus: Biochemistry/Bioprocess Engineering
Final Grade: 1.6

🎓 High School Diploma
Gymnasium Dresden Plauen (08/2009 – 06/2017)
Advanced Courses: Chemistry and Mathematics
Final Grade: 1.9

Professional Experience

👩‍🏫 Honorary Lecturer
Gläsernes Labor, German Hygiene-Museum Dresden (01/2024 – Present)
Projects: Honey (Microscopy), Basics of Genetics (Microscopy, DNA Isolation), Human X Chromosome (Microscopy, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis)

🔬 Researcher
University of Applied Sciences Dresden (12/2023 – 02/2024)
Project: “Optimization of Wastewater-based Phycocyanin Production with Microalgae”
Responsibilities: Maintenance of Galdieria sulphuraria cultures, HPLC analysis, technical laboratory assistance, cryopreservation

🧪 Master’s Thesis
Institute of Forensic Medicine, TU Dresden (04/2023 – 11/2023)
Field: Forensic Toxicology
Topic: Development and validation of an analytical method for the determination of Veratrum alkaloids using HPLC-MS/MS
Grade: 1.0

🔬 Research Lab Class
Institute of Forensic Medicine, TU Dresden (10/2022 – 03/2023)
Field: Forensic Toxicology
Topic: Incorporation of a liquid chromatographic screening method to determine drug substances using the ‘Toxtyper’ HPLC/MS system
Grade: 1.0

🔬 Practical Courses
Technical University of Dresden (10/2021 – 03/2023)
Subjects: Gene Expression and Manipulation, Enzyme Purification and Characterization, Bioanalytics, Protein Biochemistry, and Proteomics

🧪 Research Assistant
University of Applied Sciences Dresden (05/2021 – 09/2023)
Project: “Optimization of Wastewater-based Phycocyanin Production with Microalgae”
Responsibilities: Maintenance of Galdieria sulphuraria cultures, HPLC analysis, protein analytical studies, technical laboratory assistance

🔬 Bachelor’s Thesis
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, TU Dresden (10/2020 – 03/2021)
Topic: Analysis of narcotics and psychotropic drugs in wastewater samples using SPE-HPLC-MS/MS in connection with the 2020 lockdown
Grade: 1.1

🔬 Internship Semester
Landesuntersuchungsanstalt of Saxony, Dresden (03/2019 – 08/2019)
Field: Pesticides
Topic: Analysis of wine samples using UHPLC-qToF-MS to create a classification model for different grape varieties and search for a marker substance for Traminer
Grade: 1.3

🔬 Practical Courses
University of Applied Sciences Dresden (10/2017 – 09/2020)
Subjects: General and Analytical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Instrumental and Environmental Bioanalytics, Microbiology, Process Engineering, Physics, Technical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Technical Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology

Additional Jobs

🏨 Intercity Hotel Dresden (08/2017 – 03/2021)
Responsibilities: Service (Breakfast, À la carte, Bar), Reception

🏨 Kempinski Taschenbergpalais Hotel Dresden (07/2017 – 10/2017)
Responsibilities: Service (Breakfast)

🍦 Gelati Eiscafe Dresden (04/2015 – 09/2017)
Responsibilities: Service

Additional Skills

💻 IT Skills
Advanced knowledge in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Windows, MacOS, VBA, LaTeX, Python, Sciex Analyst, Sciex MultiQuant, Agilent MassHunter Qualitative Analysis, Agilent Mass Profiler Professional, Thermo Fisher Scientific Dionex Chromatography MS Link

🗣️ Language Skills
German: Native
English: Advanced proficiency, B2+
French: Good proficiency, B2

🤝 Communication Skills
Team spirit, independence, quick comprehension, and enjoyment of interacting with people

🚗 Driver’s License
Class B

📊🔬Notable Publication:

Title: Determination of Veratrum alkaloid contents in three Veratrum species by HPLC‐MS/MS

Authors: Julia Siegle, Jörg Pietsch
Journal: Phytochemical Analysis
Year: 2024

Title: 102. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin

Authors: Julia Siegle, Jörg Pietsch
Journal: Rechtsmedizin
Year: 2023

Ms. Julia Siegle | Phytochemical analysis | Best Researcher Award

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