Could Nanoparticles be the Future of Brain Cancer Treatment?

[ad_1]”> A group of researchers at the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, has recently developed an innovative Nanoparticle-based Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery system that may help to overcome some of the challenges associated with Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery for certain brain cancers.”>”>”>”>Treating brain cancer effectively presents a series of challenges. For instance, certain Award-call-for-profile/”>Chemotherapy drugs are high in toxicity and have a limited lifespan in the Blood. Thus, developing new technologies for delivering such drugs is vital when it comes to ensuring patients get the most out of the therapeutic effects of the drugs.”>Published in the Journal of Controlled Release, the team describes how they created a silica Nanoparticle that can carry temozolomide, a Award-call-for-profile/”>Chemotherapy drug typically used for treating malignant gliomas or glioblastomas.”>Loaded Nanoparticles”>Temozolomide was first approved for use in the EU and United States in 1999 and has proven to be an effective treatment for treating malignant tumors when exposed to the site of treatment consistently. However, achieving this successfully is also one of the main challenges that medical professionals face.”>This Award-call-for-profile/”>Chemotherapy drug has limitations – it doesn’t stay in the Blood for very long, it can be pushed out of the brain, and it doesn’t have high penetration from Blood into the brain.”>Dr. Taskeen Janjua, University of Queensland”>By loading silica nanoparticles with temozolomide, the team was able to create a more efficient Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery system.”>To make the drug more effective, we developed an ultra-small, large pore Nanoparticle to help it move through the Blood-brain barrier and penetrate the tumor while also reducing unwanted patient side effects.”>Dr. Taskeen Janjua, University of Queensland”>Related”>cancer Cooking Lesson, A Basic Look At How Nanotechnology Can Be Used To Physically Destroy cancer Cells and Cure The Body of cancer”>Nanoparticles Mediate Therapeutic Protein Delivery for Brain Injury Treatment”>Nanoplatforms in Imaging-Guided Brain Tumor Treatment”>In the trials, the team used multi-cellular 3D spheroids to mimic responses and interactions in brain tumor cells when exposed to the loaded silica nanoparticles. The team found that this system has the potential to penetrate the brain-Blood barrier and deliver temozolomide directly into the tumor.”>Improving Brain cancer Treatment Strategies”>Improving the ability to treat malignant glioblastomas is crucial as they are amongst the most aggressive and common forms of brain cancer with no known specific cause. In most cases, the chances are relatively high that patients will fall into remission due to the nature of these tumors and the limitations of current Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery systems.”>However, the team claims that this ground-breaking approach could not only improve the delivery of temozolomide but also could, in effect, improve the long-term potential of recovery as it may even prevent the cancer from returning.”>The UQ team found that the Nanoparticle Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery system also enhanced the cytotoxic efficacy of temozolomide against malignant glioblastoma cells.”>Moreover, when treating their test animal models, the team discovered that the silica nanoparticles were able to reach the brain of the mice in just a few hours and had no negative impact on any other major organs in the body.”>This innovative Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery system has the potential to improve the effectiveness of brain cancer treatment and could lead to new and better treatments for this devastating disease.”>Dr. Popat, Associate Professor, University of Queensland”>Although brain cancers are not among the most common forms, they can be devastating as survival chances are lower than other forms of cancer, with the likelihood of surviving more than five years post-diagnosis being less than 23%.1”>While the UQ team says more Research is required to further develop the silica-based Nanoparticle Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery system, the results are promising.”>This preclinical Research will accelerate future clinical development of a promising health technology and further the goal of improving outcomes for patients with brain cancer.”>Dr. Popat, Associate Professor, University of Queensland”>References and Further Reading”>”>Nanoparticles deliver brain cancer treatment (2023) UQ News. Available at:


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Latest advancements in cancer research and treatment

[ad_1]”>”>Advancements in cancer Research and treatment have revolutionized the way we understand and approach this complex disease.”>With ongoing breakthroughs, scientists and healthcare professionals are constantly discovering new strategies and technologies to improve cancer outcomes.”>In this article, we explore some of the latest advances in cancer Research and treatment that are offering hope to patients around the world:”>Precision medicine: Personalized treatment approaches”>cancer Research and treatment. (Image via Pexels)”>Precision medicine is transforming cancer treatment by tailoring therapies to the unique genetic makeup of each individual’s cancer.”>Genetic testing and molecular profiling enable oncologists to identify specific mutations and biomarkers, allowing for targeted therapies that attack cancer cells while minimizing harm to healthy cells. This approach has shown promising results, leading to improved treatment outcomes and reduced side effects.”>Conference-registration-euro/”>immunotherapy: Harnessing power of immune system”>Conference-registration-euro/”>immunotherapy has emerged as a groundbreaking treatment option that utilizes the body’s immune system to fight cancer.”>It involves stimulating the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T Conference-sponsor/”>cell therapy and cancer vaccines are among the notable Conference-registration-euro/”>immunotherapy techniques that have shown remarkable success in treating various cancers and prolonging patient survival.”>Liquid biopsies: Non-invasive cancer detection and monitoring”>Liquid biopsies offer a non-invasive method for detecting and monitoring cancer. By analyzing circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or other biomarkers present in Blood or other body fluids, liquid biopsies can provide valuable information about tumor characteristics, treatment response and potential resistance.”>This approach is revolutionizing early cancer detection, monitoring treatment effectiveness and guiding personalized treatment decisions.”>Targeted therapies: Disrupting cancer-specific pathways”>Targeted therapies focus on specific molecules or pathways involved in cancer growth and survival.”>By directly interfering with these cancer-specific targets, these therapies can effectively inhibit tumor growth and progression. Advancements in understanding tumor biology and development of targeted therapies have led to significant breakthroughs, particularly in cancers with specific mutations or genetic alterations.”>Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Assisting diagnosis and treatment”>Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are being utilized to analyze vast amounts of patient data and assist in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning.”>These technologies can identify patterns and provide valuable insights for healthcare professionals, leading to more accurate and personalized treatment strategies. AI-powered imaging techniques also aid in early detection and precise tumor delineation.”>The field of cancer Research and treatment is rapidly advancing, bringing new hope to patients and transforming the way we approach this complex disease and revolutionizing cancer care.”>As these innovations continue to evolve, they hold the potential to improve patient outcomes, increase survival rates and eventually bring us closer to a world where cancer is no longer a formidable threat.”>It’s important to note that while these advances have tremendous promise, they may not be applicable to all cancer types or individuals. Each patient’s treatment plan should be tailored to their specific diagnosis, characteristics and medical history.”>Consulting with healthcare professionals and oncologists is crucial for personalized guidance and decision-making regarding the latest advancements in cancer Research and treatment.


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AI Algorithms Outperform Standard Models in Cancer Prediction


June 08, 2023 – Research from the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) indicates that artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms performed better than the Breast cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) risk model in predicting the five-year risk of the disease.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that 264,000 women and 2,400 men receive a breast cancer diagnosis annually.

Despite the various methods of predicting breast cancer, such as the BCSC risk model, their use can be taxing.
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According to Vignesh A. Arasu, MD, PhD, a Research scientist and practicing radiologist at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, this is mainly because the information they require can be inaccessible or difficult to obtain. However, Arasu noted that technological advances and AI could make the process of evaluating mammograms more efficient.

To compare the abilities of AI to the BCSC model, Arasu conducted a retrospective study that involved negative screening 2D mammograms from Kaiser Permanente Northern California in 2016. From a pool of 324,009 women who were deemed eligible in 2016, mammograms from 13,628 were analyzed. The study also followed the 4,584 patients from the original patient population who received a cancer diagnosis within five years.

Researchers defined three time periods based on when the diagnosis occurred: interval cancer risk, describing diagnoses between zero and one year; future cancer risk, describing diagnoses from between one and five years; and all cancer risk, encompassing the entirety of the five-year period.

Researchers used a total of five AI algorithms for the study, two of which were academic algorithms and three of which were commercially available. After comparing their performance to the abilities of the BCSC risk model, researchers found that the AI algorithms performed better than the standard risk model.

“All five AI algorithms performed better than the BCSC risk model for predicting breast cancer risk at 0 to 5 years,” said Arasu in a press release. “This strong predictive performance over the five-year period suggests AI is identifying both missed cancers and breast tissue features that help predict future cancer development. Something in mammograms allows us to track breast cancer risk. This is the ‘black box’ of AI.”

Beyond this, the AI algorithms presented several other benefits. Researchers also noted that certain AI algorithms performed well in predicting those at risk of interval cancer. This is critical, as this generally requires follow-up mammogram readings.

Also, even AI algorithms that did not have a long training duration performed well.

“We’re looking for an accurate, efficient and scalable means of understanding a women’s breast cancer risk,” said Arasu. “Mammography-based AI risk models provide practical advantages over traditional clinical risk models because they use a single data source: the mammogram itself.”

AI is playing an increasingly significant role in cancer prediction and detection, serving as the foundation of many Research efforts.

A large grant from the National cancer Institute in November 2022 led researchers from the University of California Davis to fuel AI projects to enhance breast cancer screening and risk prediction. Through these efforts, researchers aimed to reduce health disparities.

Often, certain types of regular screening can lead to false positive results. The grant, however, will support researchers as they test whether new AI and imaging features can improve risk prediction models.

Tagged Artificial Intelligence  Predictive Analytics  Risk Assessment


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International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Research: Battling Cancer: Knowledge is Power



Battling cancer: Knowledge is Power

cancer is a formidable adversary that affects millions of lives worldwide. In the face of this daunting challenge, arming oneself with knowledge becomes a powerful weapon. The journey of battling cancer is marked by resilience, hope, and the relentless pursuit of understanding. In this battle, knowledge is not only empowering but also a key to making informed decisions, fostering hope, and ultimately improving the quality of life for those affected by this relentless disease. 🌟🦋


Early Detection and Screening 🕵️‍♀️🔍The critical role of early cancer detection
The importance of regular screenings and diagnostic tests
Strategies for raising awareness about cancer screenings

Treatment Options and Innovations 💉🔬The evolving landscape of cancer treatments
Promising advancements in Award-call-for-profile/”>Chemotherapy, Conference-registration-euro/”>immunotherapy, and targeted therapies
Integrative and complementary approaches to cancer treatment

Support and Coping Strategies 💪🤗Emotional and psychological support for cancer patients and their families
Coping mechanisms for dealing with the emotional toll of cancer
The significance of support groups and mental well-being

Nutrition and Lifestyle 🥦🏋️‍♂️The role of a balanced diet in cancer prevention and recovery
Exercise and physical activity as part of cancer management
Holistic approaches to promoting a healthy lifestyle during and after cancer treatment

cancer Research and Advocacy 🧪📢The impact of cancer Research on diagnosis and treatment
The role of patient advocacy in advancing cancer care
Fundraising and awareness campaigns for cancer-related causes

These subtopics collectively emphasize the power of knowledge in the battle against cancer, shedding light on various aspects of prevention, treatment, and support for those affected by this formidable disease. 🌼🔗


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New Research Identifies Subtypes In Difficult-To-Treat Ovarian Cancer

[ad_1]” style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;”>”>Every year, approximately 400 women die of ovarian cancer in Finland, while the corresponding figure for Europe overall is more than 40,000. Ovarian cancer is a genetically very heterogeneous disease, which makes it exceptionally difficult to study and treat. The prognosis is particularly poor in ovarian high grade serous carcinoma (HGSC), a subtype of ovarian cancer. Less than 40% of patients with this subtype survive five years after their”>
The researchers were able to classify HGSC tumours into three groups on the basis of genomic changes. The groups differ in the intracellular signalling pathways, the ways in which the tumours grow, and response to treatment. The findings can help therapies to become more accurate and help patients with HGSC.

“Prior studies have not identified generally accepted subgroups of HGSC tumours that would enable targeted treatment in the same way as, for example, in breast cancer. Our study is a step forward in identifying effective targeted therapies,” says Professor of Systems Biology Sampsa Hautaniemi from the University of Helsinki.

Three signalling pathways
The researchers analysed genomics data on cancer tumours collected in the DECIDER project from 148 patients with HGSC treated and recruited in Turku University Hospital. Depending on the stage of development, they divided the tumours into three evolutionary states: evolving, maintaining and adaptive. The classification was based on the tumours’ pattern of spread and their development in metastases. Depending on the group, the cancer populations grew up in combinations of either genetically different or clonal cells. These combinations either continued to evolve in metastases or remained unchanged.

The researchers identified signalling pathways characteristic of each tumour group, which make these tumours biologically distinct.

“There are targeted drugs already in clinical use for many of them. We demonstrated that a single signalling pathway, PI3K/AKT, is particularly important for certain patients. While the importance of this pathway has been known, it was not known who are most likely to respond to treatment targeted at this signalling pathway. Based on our findings, we are better able to identify the subset of patients likely to benefit from such treatment,” says Postdoctoral Researcher Jaana Oikkonen from the University of Helsinki.

Tumour evolution should be investigated
The study approaches the issue from the perspective of tumour evolution, or how the tumour develops and spreads into new metastases. This approach is currently important in Research on HGSC as the knowledge available is largely based on studies with small sample or patient numbers.

“The dataset we analysed was one of the largest, if not the largest, to date in terms of HGSC tumour samples. This is yet another indication of the capacity for top-level Research in Finland in spite of our small population,” Hautaniemi says.

“Our findings bring order to the genomic chaos of HGSC. Now, the entire Research field will advance faster, making it easier to target therapies. Of course, there is still work to be done. Further Research is being carried out on, for instance, what would be the easiest way to classify patients into the three groups identified,” says Postdoctoral Researcher Alexandra Lahtinen from the University of Helsinki.

The results of the joint study carried out by the University of Helsinki, Turku University Hospital, HUS Helsinki University Hospital, the University of Turku and the Danish cancer Society Research Center were published in the cancer Cell journal in May.


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Bowel cancer treatment breakthrough as scientists solve immune system mystery

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Scientists are hopeful that a new method of treating bowel cancer can be found after their Research solved a decades-long riddle of why the immune system of patients ignores the disease.” target=”_blank”>Researchers at the University of Glasgow and cancer Research UK’s Beatson Institute have discovered how bowel cancer blinds the immune system so it cannot see the cancer and renders it unable to destroy it.” target=”_blank”>Dr Seth Coffelt, who led the Research, said: “Normally, immune cells keep things as they should be, patrolling the bowel like security guards, tackling any harmful bacteria and keeping the gut healthy.” target=”_blank”>“However, when cells in the bowel become cancerous, they fire these ‘security guards’ and all the methods these immune cells use to talk to each other to co-ordinate an immune response no longer get produced.” target=”_blank”>“cancer doesn’t want immune cells recognising them as a threat, so they manipulate the immune cells so they can’t see the threat and simply pass on by leaving the cancer to do its damage.”” target=”_blank”>” target=”_blank”>Scientists have said the discovery, published in cancer Immunology Research, a journal of the American Association for cancer Research, opens the door to potentially reversing or preventing this process.” target=”_blank”>” target=”_blank”>Our discovery means that if a way can be found to artificially engage the ‘blinded’ T cells with a drug so that the T cells can see the cancer again, we could find a new effective way to treat bowel cancer” target=”_blank”>Dr Seth Coffelt” target=”_blank”>It would allow the immune system to see the bowel cancer cells and stop them from growing and multiplying.” target=”_blank”>Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, with about 16,800 deaths in the country every year – or 46 every day.” target=”_blank”>In Scotland, around 4,000 people are diagnosed with the disease every year.” target=”_blank”>As part of the work, the Glasgow-based researchers focused on a particular type of immune cell called gamma delta T cells.” target=”_blank”>Bowel cancer begins in the epithelial cells which line the bowel and these T cells patrol this area attacking any threats, such as damaged cells or small tumours, before they cause harm.” target=”_blank”>Scientists already knew that when bowel cancer is present, immune cells that can kill cancer do not often act against the bowel cancer, but they did not know why.” target=”_blank”>Using tissue samples from bowel cancer tumours donated by patients in Scotland, and other countries, scientists were able to identify the specific mechanism the cancer cells use to rewire the gamma delta T cells on a molecular level.” target=”_blank”>The team which made the discovery is now hopeful further Research could offer treatments which could reverse that process.” target=”_blank”>Discovering how the cancer calls trick the immune system offers potential for new treatments which could reactivate these immune cells, researchers said.” target=”_blank”>Dr Coffelt said: “Our discovery means that if a way can be found to artificially engage the ‘blinded’ T cells with a drug so that the T cells can see the cancer again, we could find a new effective way to treat bowel cancer.”


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Bowel cancer breakthrough after immune system find

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Scottish scientists hope a breakthrough in the understanding of bowel cancer will lead to new treatments.” target=”_blank”>Researchers at the University of Glasgow and cancer Research UK’s Beatson Institute have solved a decades-long riddle of why the immune system of patients ignores the disease.” target=”_blank”>Until now, it was not known how cancer blinds the immune system to the disease rendering it unable to destroy it.” target=”_blank”>Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK.

  •” target=”_blank”>’My bowel cancer was missed because I am young’
  •” target=”_blank”>New plan aims to cut late-stage cancer diagnosis
  •” target=”_blank”>Scottish cancer waiting times performance at record low” target=”_blank”>Dr Seth Coffelt, who led the Research, said: “Normally, immune cells keep things as they should be, patrolling the bowel like security guards, tackling any harmful bacteria and keeping the gut healthy.” target=”_blank”>”However, when cells in the bowel become cancerous, they fire these ‘security guards’ and all the methods these immune cells use to talk to each other to co-ordinate an immune response no longer get produced.” target=”_blank”>”cancer doesn’t want immune cells recognising them as a threat, so they manipulate the immune cells so they can’t see the threat and simply pass on by leaving the cancer to do its damage.”” target=”_blank”>Scientists have said the discovery, published in cancer Immunology Research, a journal of the American Association for cancer Research, opens the door to potentially reversing or preventing this process.” target=”_blank”>It would allow the immune system to see the bowel cancer cells and stop them from growing and multiplying.” target=”_blank”>’Attacking threats’” target=”_blank”>Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK, with about 16,800 deaths in the country every year – or 46 every day.” target=”_blank”>In Scotland, about 4,000 people are diagnosed with the disease every year.” target=”_blank”>As part of the work, the Glasgow-based researchers focused on a particular type of immune cell called gamma delta T cells.” target=”_blank”>Bowel cancer begins in the epithelial cells which line the bowel and these T cells patrol this area attacking any threats, such as damaged cells or small tumours, before they cause harm.” target=”_blank”>Scientists already knew that when bowel cancer is present, immune cells that can kill cancer do not often act against the bowel cancer, but they did not know why.” target=”_blank”>Using tissue samples from bowel cancer tumours donated by patients in Scotland, and other countries, scientists were able to identify the specific mechanism the cancer cells use to rewire the gamma delta T cells on a molecular level.” target=”_blank”>The team that made the discovery is now hopeful further Research could offer treatments which could reverse that process.” target=”_blank”>Discovering how the cancer cells trick the immune system offers potential for new treatments which could reactivate these immune cells, researchers said.” target=”_blank”>Dr Coffelt said: “Our discovery means that if a way can be found to artificially engage the ‘blinded’ T cells with a drug so that the T cells can see the cancer again, we could find a new effective way to treat bowel cancer.”” target=”_blank”>The Research won funding from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.” target=”_blank”>Related Topics


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An mRNA vaccine to treat pancreatic cancer

[ad_1]” target=”_blank”>” target=”_blank”>” target=”_blank”>” target=”_blank”>Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common type of pancreatic cancer, is one of the deadliest cancer types. Despite modern therapies, only about 12% of people diagnosed with this cancer will be alive five years after treatment.” target=”_blank”>Immunotherapies—drugs that help the body’s immune system attack tumors—have revolutionized the treatment of many tumor types. But to date, they have proven ineffective in PDAC. Whether pancreatic cancer cells produce neoantigens—proteins that can be effectively targeted by the immune system—hasn’t been clear.” target=”_blank”>An NIH-funded Research team led by Dr. Vinod Balachandran from Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer Center (MSKCC) have been developing a personalized mRNA cancer-treatment vaccine approach. It is designed to help immune cells recognize specific neoantigens on patients’ pancreatic cancer cells. Results from a small clinical trial of their experimental treatment were published on May 10, 2023, in Nature.” target=”_blank”>After surgery to remove PDAC, the team sent tumor samples from 19 people to partners at BioNTech, the company that produced one of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. BioNTech performed gene sequencing on the tumors to find proteins that might trigger an immune response. They then used that information to create a personalized mRNA vaccine for each patient. Each vaccine targeted up to 20 neoantigens.” target=”_blank”>Customized vaccines were successfully created for 18 of the 19 study participants. The process, from surgery to delivery of the first dose of the vaccine, took an average of about nine weeks.” target=”_blank”>All patients received a drug called atezolizumab before vaccination. This drug, called an immune checkpoint inhibitor, prevents cancer cells from suppressing the immune system. The vaccine was then given in nine doses over several months. After the first eight doses, study participants also started standard Award-call-for-profile/”>Chemotherapy drugs for PDAC, followed by a ninth booster dose.” target=”_blank”>Sixteen volunteers stayed healthy enough to receive at least some of the vaccine doses. In half these patients, the vaccines activated powerful immune cells, called T cells, that could recognize the pancreatic cancer specific to the patient. To track the T cells made after vaccination, the Research team developed a novel computational strategy with the lab of Dr. Benjamin Greenbaum at MSKCC. Their analysis showed that T cells that recognized the neoantigens were not found in the Blood before vaccination. Among the eight patients with strong immune responses, half had T cells target more than one vaccine neoantigen.” target=”_blank”>By a year and a half after treatment, the cancer had not returned in any of the people who had a strong T cell response to the vaccine. In contrast, among those whose immune systems didn’t respond to the vaccine, the cancer recurred within an average of just over a year. In one patient with a strong response, T cells produced by the vaccine even appeared to eliminate a small tumor that had spread to the liver. These results suggest that the T cells activated by the vaccines kept the pancreatic cancers in check.” target=”_blank”>“It’s exciting to see that a personalized vaccine could enlist the immune system to fight pancreatic cancer—which urgently needs better treatments,” Balachandran says. “It’s also motivating as we may be able to use such personalized vaccines to treat other deadly cancers.”” target=”_blank”>More work is needed to understand why half the people did not have a strong immune response to their personalized vaccines. The researchers are currently planning to launch a larger clinical trial of the vaccine.” target=”_blank”>—by Sharon Reynolds


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Study reveals cancer’s ‘infinite’ ability to evolve


By James Gallagher
Health and science correspondent

An unprecedented analysis of how cancers grow has revealed an “almost infinite” ability of tumours to evolve and survive, say scientists.

The results of tracking lung cancers for nine years left the Research team “surprised” and “in awe” at the formidable force they were up against.

They have concluded we need more focus on prevention, with a “universal” cure unlikely any time soon.

cancer Research UK said early detection of cancer was vitally important.

The study – entitled TracerX – provides the most in-depth analysis of how cancers evolve and what causes them to spread.

Cancers change and evolve over time – they are not fixed and immutable. They can become more aggressive: better at evading the immune system and able to spread around the body.

A tumour starts as a single, corrupted cell, but becomes a mixture of millions of cells that have all mutated in slightly different ways.

TracerX tracked that diversity and how it changes over time inside lung cancer patients and say the results would apply across different types of cancer.

“That has never been done before at this scale,” said Prof Charles Swanton, from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London.

More than 400 people – treated at 13 hospitals in the UK – had biopsies taken from different parts of their lung cancer as the disease progressed.

“It has surprised me how adaptable tumours can be,” Prof Swanton told me.

“I don’t want to sound too depressing about this, but I think – given the almost infinite possibilities in which a tumour can evolve, and the very large number of cells in a late-stage tumour, which could be several hundred billion cells – then achieving cures in all patients with late-stage disease is a formidable task.”

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Nano-based cancer therapies may be less effective in younger patients, finds study

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Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson cancer Center have discovered that certain nano-based cancer therapies may be less effective in younger patients, highlighting the need for further investigation into the impact of aging on the body’s ability to respond to treatment.” target=”_blank”>The researchers found age-related differences are due to how effectively the liver filters the bloodstream. Younger livers are more efficient at this process, which helps limit toxins in the Blood but also filters out beneficial treatments, potentially rendering them ineffective.” target=”_blank”>The study, published today in Nature Nanotechnology, was led by Wen Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Radiation oncology, and Betty Kim, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Neurosurgery.” target=”_blank”>Put simply, our liver is designed to protect us, but for young people it might also be protecting them in a way that limits the effectiveness of nanotherapies. There’s so much interest right now in nano-scale delivery systems and designs, but nobody has really considered how age plays a role in the effectiveness of these systems. In preclinical models, younger livers actually work so well that they filter out a significant amount of the nanomedicine. That means, in some cases, these drugs may be less effective in younger patients than in older ones.”” target=”_blank”>Wen Jiang, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiation oncology, Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Texas M. D. Anderson cancer Center” target=”_blank”>Unlike traditional cancer therapies, in which medicine is directly introduced to the body, nanomedicines use nano-scale carriers to deliver treatments. Some of the advantages of nanomedicine formulations can include reduced toxicity, increased target specificity and increased dosage, depending on the goal of the treatment.” target=”_blank”>To date, more than 50 nano-based therapies have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including 19 currently listed by the National cancer Institute for use in cancer. The study treatment was Nanoparticle-albumin-bound paclitaxel, which has been used since 2005 for certain refractory or relapsed cancers.” target=”_blank”>Scientists do not fully understand all the mechanisms for how, exactly, the liver filters the bloodstream, but previous studies have indicated a correlation between the rate of clearance and the expression of the scavenger receptor MARCO. This protein is expressed more in younger Kupfer cells, the immune cells that reside in the liver.” target=”_blank”>After confirming the disparity in results between young and old models, the team investigated therapeutic blockade of MARCO as a possible strategy to avoid drug clearance. Blocking MARCO reduced the uptake of the nanomedicine and improved the drug’s antitumor effects from the cancer therapeutics, but only in the younger models.” target=”_blank”>”This is just one example, but these results show that there may not always be a one-size-fits-all Conference-terms-conditions/”>Drug Delivery strategy that is effective across diverse patient populations, and that personalized design is warranted in future nanomedicines,” Jiang said. “Hopefully, this study also opens the door for more thorough investigation of the clearance process and how to overcome it.”” target=”_blank”>Jiang emphasized that while this study focuses on cancer, it examines a potential hurdle for any nanodrug delivery system. There are different proteins, antibodies and viruses with unique clearance mechanisms, but it all comes down to the liver, he explained.” target=”_blank”>Source:” target=”_blank”>University of Texas M. D. Anderson cancer Center” target=”_blank”>Journal reference:” target=”_blank”>Wang, Y., et al. (2023) Age-associated disparity in phagocytic clearance affects the efficacy of cancer nanotherapeutics. Nature


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