Ahsanullah Unar: He received his B.S. degree in Genetics from University of Sindh, Jamshoro, and M.S. degree in Genetics from University of Science and Technology of China. Since September 2021, he is pursuing PhD in the School of Life Science, University of Science and Technology of China. Thus far, he has been part of 11 published, 3 accepted, and 6 under review in the prestigious journal. His research focused on (1) identification of genetic mutations underlying human infertility to find candidate genetic variants, functional confirmation of the variants using CRISPR/Cas9-based genetically modified mice, and molecular and biochemistry studies of the mechanisms by which the variants cause spermatogenic failure. (2) Biomarkers for cancer patients and to determine the level of micronutrients in various patients. (3) In silico analysis of disease-causing mutation. (4) Designing novel drug discovery and targeting of COVID-19. (5) Working in the field of “Bioinformatics”, especially genomics data, SNPs, human disease prediction, machine learning and artificial intelligence. congratulations on your Best Researcher Award by pencis
website: https://oncology.pencis.com/
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