Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
DrLisaAuster-GussmanNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineOncology Management and PreventionUnited StatesExcellence in Research
Assist Prof DrSATYA KUMARAVULANMSRC, University of Nizwa, Nizwa, Oman.Oncology Alternative MedicineOmanOutstanding Scientist Award
DrOsamaAwadMinia UniversityOthersEgyptBest Research Award
DrManalAwadKing Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, King Saud University,OthersSudanExcellence in Innovation
Assist Prof DrYeneneshAyalewDilla UniversityOthersEthiopiaBest Research Award
Assoc. Prof. Dr.ElçinAydınDepartment of Radiology, Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, Izmir, Turkey Department of Radiology, Izmir Faculty of Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Izmir, TurkeyOncology Management and PreventionTurkeyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrErhanAysanYeditepe UniversityCancer ScienceTurkeyBest Innovation Award
DrChandrakalaB MDayanandasagar college of engineeringTumour ImmunologyIndiaBest Research Award
DrMohd YounusBabaGovt. Higher Secondary School Maidanpora Lolab Kupwara, Jammu and Kashmir IndiaOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesIndiaYoung Scientist Award
ProfLamine SaïdBaba-MoussaUniversité d'Abomey-CalaviOncology Alternative MedicineBeninBest Scholar Award
DrFarahBabakurddamascus universityOthersSyriaBest Researcher Award
MsThamaraBackClinical Hospital Complex, Federal University of ParanáOthersBrazilBest Researcher Award
Prof DrKwang-HyunBaekCHA UniversityCancer ScienceSouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
DrAyemehBagheri Hashkavayikorea universityCancer ScienceSouth KoreaBest Research Award
Dr.SalemBaldiShaoyang UniversityCancer BiomarkersChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrAssemBarakatKing Saud UniversityTargeted Cancer TherapySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrMatthiasBartneckUniklinikum Aachen/DWI Interactive MaterialsTargeted Cancer TherapyGermanyBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrYılmazBaşHitit University Faculty of MedicineCancer BiopsyTurkeyBest Research Award
Assist Prof DrMohammadBashaZagazig UniversityOncology Management and PreventionEgyptBest Research Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
