Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
MrNishanthAnandanadarajahUniversity of Louisiana at LafayetteCancer GeneticsUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
ProfRaulAndinoUniversity of California, San FranciscoOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrFernandaAndradeVall d'Hebron Research InstituteTargeted Cancer TherapySpainYoung Scientist Award
MsAna PaulaAnzolinBrazilian Medical Association of Ozone TherapyOthersBrazilBest Research Award
Assist Prof DrEffrosyniApostolidouUNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT HOUSTONOncology TherapyUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
MssaharArabyazdiAmirkabir University of TechnologyTargeted Cancer TherapyIranBest Research Award
Assoc Prof DrSerhatArasHaydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences Turkey, Istanbul, TurkeyRadiation OncologyTurkeyBest Researcher Award
DrFABIOARCIDIACONORadiotherapy Oncology Centre "S.Maria" Hospital, TerniRadiation OncologyItalyBest Researcher Award
DrMariaArcilaMemorial Sloan Kettering cancer centerCancer BiomarkersUnited StatesBest Research Award
Prof DrFerdaAriBursa Uludag UniversityCancer ScienceTurkeyBest Researcher Award
Dr.CLEMENTARTHURFirst Hospital of Shanxi Medical UniversityOncology and Precision MedicineChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfGholamrezaAsadikaramKerman University Medical SciencesOncology Management and PreventionIranBest Researcher Award
MsZahraAsadzadehTabriz University of Medical ScienceCancer ScienceIranBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMdAshrafuzzamanKing Saud UniversityPharmaco-OncologySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. Dr.FrancescoAsnicarDepartment CIBIO, University of Trento, ItalyOthersItalyBest Researcher Award
DrNegarAtaeiIsfahan university of medical scienceOthersIranBest Research Award
MrBantalem TilayeAtinafuDebre Berhan UniversityOncology NursingEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
ProfSabryAttiaKing Saud UniversityCancer GeneticsSaudi ArabiaBest Research Award
Prof DrMOHAMEDATTIAAIN SHAMS UNIVERSITYCancer BiomarkersEgyptBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
