Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
DrMoslemAbolhassaniKerman University of Medical SciencesOncology Management and PreventionIranBest Research Award
Assoc Prof DrYasminAbo-zeidHelwan UniversityOthersEgyptBest Research Award
DrSamiraAbo AlshiekhMinistry of HealthOthersPalestine, State ofWomen Researcher Award
DrSamaaAbdullahKing Abdulaziz UniversityOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesSaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMansurahAbdulazeezCentre for Biotechnology Research, Bayero University, KanoOncology Alternative MedicineNigeriaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMohammadAbdolahadUniversity of TehranCancer ScienceIranBest Research Award
Assist Prof DrKhosrouAbdiTUMSOthersIranBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrShaymaaAbdelmalekCairo University, Faculty of Veterinary MedicineTargeted Cancer TherapyEgyptWomen Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrAhmed A. H.AbdellatifCollege of Pharmacy, Qassim UniversityTargeted Cancer TherapySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMona SayedAbdellateifNational Cancer Institute, Cairo UniversityCancer BiomarkersEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrMahmoudAbdelfatahHikma PharmaceuticalsPharmaco-OncologyEgyptBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrNashwaAbdelAzizKing Saud University Medical City Riyadh/KSAOncology and Precision MedicineSaudi ArabiaBest Research Award
Prof DrMosaadAbdel-WahhabNational Research CenterPharmaco-OncologyEgyptExcellence in Research
ProfNabilAbdel-HamidUniversityOncology Alternative MedicineEgyptBest Research Award
Assist Prof DrMuhammad TarekAbdel GhafarFaculty of medicine Tanta UniversityCancer BiomarkersEgyptBest Researcher Award
ProfAlaaAbdel AzizKing Saud UniversityCancer ScienceSaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrEmanAbdeenfaculty of Veterinary medicine, university of Sadat cityOthersEgyptBest Researcher Award
Drshimaaabdallasouth Egypt cancer instituteOthersEgyptBest Researcher Award
MrsElnazAbbasipourGuilan University of Medical SciencesOthersIranBest Research Award
DrMohamedA. SabryMansoura universityOncology TherapyEgyptBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
