Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
Assoc Prof DrKhalilHassanUniversity of AnbarTargeted Cancer TherapyIraqBest Researcher Award
DrHosseinHassaniShahrekord UniversityCancer Cell BiologyIranBest Researcher Award
DrJunHethe First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow UniversityStem Cell TherapyChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrIsabelHeideggerMedizinische Universität InnsbruckOncology and Precision MedicineAustriaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrPeterHerseyCentenary Institute/University of SydneyCancer Cell BiologyAustraliaExcellence in Research
Mr.ToshitakaHiranoPfizerCancer BiomarkersJapanBest Researcher Award
DrAliHosniPrincess Margaret Cancer CentreCancer MetastasisCanadaBest Research Award
Prof.ShengpingHouBeijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, ChinaOthersChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfKarimHoualiUniversity Mouloud MAMMERICancer BiomarkersAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrEssamHousseinFaculty of Computers & InformationCancer ScienceEgyptBest Researcher Award
MrslingyuHsiehDitmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian HospitalOncology Alternative MedicineTaiwanBest Research Award
Prof. Dr.Ching-ShengHsuLiver Diseases Prevention and Treatment Center, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital/Tzu Chi UniversityOncology TherapyTaiwanBest Researcher Award
MrZhenzhenHuThe Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical UniversityCancer Cell BiologyChinaBest Researcher Award
Dr.HangHuChangzhou UniversityOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesChinaBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrKuan-linHuangIcahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiCancer GeneticsUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
MsLinHuangSynergy Biomedical Corp.Pharmaco-OncologyTaiwanBest Research Award
DrXinHuangUnion Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyTumour ImmunologyChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof.R. StephanieHuangUniversity Of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MNOncology and Precision MedicineUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Shi-liangHuangSun Yat-sen UniversityTumorChinaBest Researcher Award
Mr.JiHuangNational Institute of Metrology, China (NIM)Radiation OncologyChinaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
