Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
Prof DrEsmaeilEsmaeilUniversity of TabrizOncology TherapyIranBest Researcher Award
ProfAymanFahmyjouf unv.OthersSaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMohammedFaisalSuez Canal UniversityOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrAlexandraFalamasNational Institute for R&D Isotopic and Molecular TechnologiesOncology Management and PreventionRomaniaBest Researcher Award
DrSimoneFamularoIRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital & Humanitas UniversityCancer ScienceItalyYoung Scientist Award
Dr.Muhammad UmarFarooqSchool of Chemisry SJTUovarian cancerChinaBest Researcher Award
DrFarshidFathiIsfahan University of Medical SciencesCancer BiomarkersIranBest Researcher Award
ProfMarkFeitelsonTemple UniversityTargeted Cancer TherapyUnited StatesBest Research Award
Mr.ShuoFengSun Yat Sen Memorial HospitalCancer ScienceChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof.YibinFengThe University of Hong KongOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesHong KongLifetime Achievement Award
MrsTâniaFernandesUniversidade Federal de ViçosaOthersBrazilBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrAndrés José MaríaFerreriIRCCS San Raffaele Scietific InstituteOncology Therapeutics and Novel ApproachesItalyBest Researcher Award
DrLuisaFiandraUniversity of Milano Bicocca- BtBsCancer Cell BiologyItalyWomen Researcher Award
MsIohannaFilippiNational University of CórdobaOthersArgentinaBest Research Award
DrDoriaFilipponiScientific Center of MonacoStem Cell TherapyMonacoBest Researcher Award
DrMicheleFioreCampus Bio-Medico UniversityRadiation OncologyItalyBest Research Award
DrHananFouadHelwan UniversityOthersEgyptExcellence Award (Any Scientific field)
DrCarlos Alberto deFragaFederal University of AlagoasCancer BiomarkersBrazilBest Research Award
DrTomokoFujiyukiThe University of TokyoOncology TherapyJapanBest Research Award
Assoc Prof DrAkihisaFukudaKyoto University Graduate School of MedicineCancer ScienceJapanBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Subject Track Country Selected for
