Conference Speakers

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
DrsamehawwadKFMCSaudi ArabiaPeg-asparaginase associated toxicities in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A single-center cross-sectional study
DrMuad AbdiHassanHamad Medical CorporatioQatarA rare case of Myxoma presenting as a scrotal lump
MrMrinmoyKunduInstitute of Medical Sciences and SUM HospitalIndiaThe current state of clinical trials in lung cancer brain metastases
MsKimiaKeylaniShahid Beheshti University of Medical SciencesIranMXene/deferoxamine film formulation for photothermal therapy in melanoma treatment
MsKhaterehShamsiDepartment of Medical Physics, Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, School of Medicine, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, IranIranEstimating the risk of cancer incidence and radiation-induced cancer death of children patients undergoing digital radiology X-ray examinations
DrHimanshikhattarSRMSIMSIndiaBrachial Plexopathy in Head and Neck Cancers treated with IMRT
DrYukiAmanoNakamura Memorial HospitalJapanLong insular artery damage might be a key sign for predicting functional prognosis of putaminal hemorrhage
DrYanLeyfmanGlobal COVID-19 TaskforceUnited StatesCancer & COVID-19: Unraveling the Immunological Paradigm with a Stem Cell Therapeutic Intervention
MsFatemehJafarishiraz university of medical sciencesIranSpatio-temporal pattern of malignant neoplasm of brain in Fars province I.R.Iran (2011–2015): A population-based cross sectional study
DrAhmedIsmaeellecturerEgyptNumerical Simulation for Nanofluid Extravasation from a Vertical Segment of a Cylindrical Vessel into the Surrounding Tissue at the Microscale
DrYASIRAL-MAWLAHUniversity Of BabylonIraqAssociation between genetic polymorphisms of (Cu/ZnSOD and CAT C262T) and the risk of breast cancer.
Assoc Prof DrNabeelaTariqSBK women University, Quetta, PakistanPakistanAssociation of 44bp ins/del at promotor of MDM2 with breast cancer
DrDarshitThakerRoyal Brisbane & Women's HospitalAustraliaOur experience of nursing/allied health practitioner led geriatric screening and assessment of older patients with cancer – a highly accessible model of care
Assoc Prof DrMdRahmanUniversity of Prince MugrinSaudi ArabiaA Deep Learning Assisted Secure Framework for Cancer Management
Assist Prof DrHananAlrashidiTaibah universitySaudi ArabiaInvolvement of INF-γ functional single nucleotide polymorphism +874 T/A (rs2430561) in breast cancer risk
DrRamavatarMeenaCSIR-CSMCRIIndiaSeaweed polysaccharide-based nanocomposite for cancer nanotherapy
DrDanLiDepartment of Nuclear Medicine, Shanghai Tenth People’s HospitalChinaCharacteristics of Gut Microbiota and Metabolite Profiles in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
DrAnkitTomarThe New York Eye Cancer CenterUnited StatesGlobal Retinoblastoma Treatment Outcomes: Association with National Income Level
MrsIdyatulHasanahFaculty of Health Sciences, Nahdlatul Wathan University, MataramIndonesiaEffect of music therapy on cortisol as a stress biomarker in children undergoing IV-line insertion
MsDanielaVieiraFernando Pessoa FoundationPortugalPsychometric validity of the Portuguese version of SWAL-QOL for head and neck cancer
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Abstract/Paper Title
Best Doctor award, Researcher Awards, Best researcher Awards, Best Doctor Award, Health innovation awards, Top doctor awards, Achievement Award, National Award, Research Awards

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